Dr. Christine Cocchiola and Amy Polacko Collaborate on Passion Project

They know hundreds of stories about family court injustice and gender bias there. Now, Dr. Christine Cocchiola and Amy Polacko are bringing a sampling of these accounts to the world.

“In the fall, Amy and I began discussing how we could expose the atrocities of family court,” Cocchiola said. “We realized we have so many stories that we hear every day and—if we compiled some of them in a book—that perhaps we could wake up the world.”

Since then, the co-authors have gathered stories from brave women and mothers around the globe and are honored to share them with readers. They are excited to release FRAMED: Women in the Family Court Underworld very soon!

“We wrote this book because we believe that every woman needs to know what could happen,” said Polacko. “Abusers have a playbook – knowing their game can prevent you and those you love from ending up in situations like these.”

Cocchiola and Polacko admit that the stories are not easy to read but think everyone should educate themselves on what can happen when you get involved with a narcissistic abuser/coercive controller. “This could be your daughter, sister, mother, child or friend,” Cocchiola said. ”Coercive Controllers – Narcissistic Abusers – know how to use the systems to their advantage. It’s time to expose their game.”

The book will be available for pre-order during the summer of 2024 and its release date is in the fall.

About the Authors

Dr. Christine Marie Cocchiola has been a social justice advocate since the age of 19 supporting victims of abuse. Her doctoral degree research at New York University, under the tutelage of Dr. Evan Stark, focused on adult and child victims of coercive control. A licensed clinical social worker and a published author, she is a survivor and protective parent. Learn more about Dr. C’s work here: www.coercivecontrolconsulting.com

Amy Polacko is a divorce coach, advocate for women, and award-winning journalist writing about divorce, domestic abuse, coercive control, and family court. Her work has appeared in HuffPost, Ms., Newsweek, The Independent, and The Washington Post. She earned a master’s degree from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism and is a survivor and protective parent. Learn more about Amy and her work here: www.freedomwarrior.info