“This book exposes the dirty little secret of our society: family court. It is a must-read for all women.”

Tina Swithin, Founder of One Mom’s Battle

“We can read about the technical aspects of narcissism and coercive control repeatedly, but nothing has the impact of reading real people’s stories…this book will be a wakeup call.”

Dr. Ramani Durvasula, New York Times Bestselling Author & Narcissism Expert

We’re thrilled to have you here with us. The mission of our forthcoming book is to shed light on the often-overlooked injustices within the family court system. We’ve gathered real stories from courageous protective mothers worldwide, and we’re on a mission to share their experiences with the world. Our goal is to launch pre-sales by July 1st, and we can’t do it alone. We need your support to ensure this book reaches as many hands as possible, bringing awareness to the hidden realities of family court. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that everyone is aware of what truly happens in the shadows of family court.

More to Come...

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Meet The Co-Authors

Dr. Christine Marie Cocchiola, DSW, LCSW

Christine Marie Cocchiola, DSW, LCSW, is a Board Member of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence and a Founding Member of the International Coercive Control Conference. She has actively supported codifying coercive control as the foundation of domestic abuse, writing policy briefs supporting these efforts and providing expert testimony at legislative hearings. Most importantly, through her own experiences as a protective parent, her clinical expertise as a trauma trained therapist, a researcher and educator, Dr. Cocchiola understands the impact that coercive control has on both adult and child victims. A college professor teaching in social work for over 20 years, she is the creator of The Protective Parenting Program, a program to support protective parents navigating parenting children harmed by a coercive controller. Her other educational programming is to support attorneys, mental health clinicians, divorce coaches, and other allies in understanding the insidious nuanced nature of coercive control.

Amy Polacko

Amy Polacko is an award-winning journalist, investigative reporter and divorce coach who survived a narcissist nightmare. After her own experience, she formed Freedom Warrior Coaching to become the guide she wished she had. Amy has a Master’s degree from Columbia University’s School of Journalism and was part of the Pulitzer Prize winning reporting team covering the TWA Flight 800 crash for Newsday. She has coached hundreds of women going through divorce, runs a support group and writes for national news outlets about coercive control, domestic abuse, divorce, online dating and singlehood. Her work has been featured in HuffPost, Ms. Magazine, The Washington Post, Newsweek, NBC News, The Independent and Observer. Amy lives in Connecticut with her son.