Free “The Abuser’s Playbook Workshop” Ticket with Pre-Order of FRAMED

WHEN: WED September 28th @ 8 pm EDT. 
How do you spot an abuser before it’s too late? How do you protect yourself in a marriage? How do abusers use coercive control? And what happens when you divorce a coercive controller/narcissistic abuser in family court?

We’ll cover all this in “The Abuser’s Playbook Workshop.” You receive a FREE ticket when you pre-order “FRAMED: Women in the Family Court Underworld” available from various sellers listed at Then go to the workshop link with your order number to register at no cost:

Dr. Christine Cocchiola and Amy Polacko wrote FRAMED to share the poignant stories of 22 brave, diverse women from around the world. Not only does the book validate the experience of abuse victims, but it educates and warns all women about intimate relationships – and what can go wrong. Grab the women you love and come to “The Abuser’s Playbook Workshop” where you will learn: 

*Red flags when dating

*What is Coercive Control?

*How does it manifest itself in relationships?

*How can you protect yourself?

This workshop is for all adults – young and old – and anyone dating, married, considering divorce, in the divorce process or post-divorce! We hope to see you there.